In a world of multiple and rapid changes as never before in history Art remains a factor of human perception. Since the beginning of mankind symbolization and an almost religious approach to the surrounding, to nature and the circumstances in which human-beings are situated lead to multiple forms of expression that developed to Art .
In the early hunting cultures Art was not called so and the art objects were witnessed as real. They had the function of imitating nature in a realistic or abstract way to get influence, to be no longer victim of hard surroundings but to feel empowered to survive by controlling the hunting.
In later cultures Art should have a stabilizing effect on society by mirroring and illustrating religious and political positions. The search for idealism was represented in the Greek history, less in the Roman history and was reactivated in the Renaissance after a long period of formalism in the Middle Ages influenced by several religions.
The historical development of nations in the Early Modern Age was accompanied by the birth of the art -isms and architectural and art styles like Baroque, Rococo, Romanticism, Symbolism, Impressionism, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Cubism, Surrealism, Constructivism, Realism and later Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Concept and Minimal Art and other. Visual Arts, Architecture and Music often interacted in a very productive manner.
The multiple forms of expression in Art today can no longer be summarized in Art styles or -isms. Art today is individual as it never had been before and is associated with the name of artists.
Intercultural influence increased during Art history like in the Japonism and is a main theme in contemporary Art. Today the fast access to information enables globalization, multicultural exchange and a movement towards one mankind in spite of multiple tendencies of dissection and provincial retreat at the same time.
So the conditions for the creation and perception of Art in its infinite possibilities are better today than ever before in the history of mankind. This should encourage us to use this potential for every human-being in creating, being inspired, enjoying and discussing Art.
The GERTECT GALLERY participates in this process of international approach by promoting Art as an universal medium for international and intercultural exchange.